Sustainability-They mature at six weeks, and start laying at 8 weeks and lay 200-300 eggs per year! They can be processed for meat at 6-8 weeks. That is just amazing!
Easy-They are very cost effective to feed and to house. They require protective housing at all times and do not need much space. They are also very hardy in all temperatures.
No restrictions-If you live in an HOA, I'm sure you're familiar with not being able to raise chickens, especially roosters. However, there are no regulations for keeping quail. Quail sound like a song- bird and are much quieter compared to other fowl. They can be raised in any setting, on a porch, patio, garage, shed, backyard coop, etc.
Jumbo browns are the industry standard for Coturnix quail. They are considered the fastest-growing and largest of all quail and are great to raise for both meat and eggs. They are nearly twice the size of standard Coturnix, weighing between 12oz. and 16oz. when mature. They are calm birds that are easy to raise and lay lots of yummy eggs! Their eggs are much larger than standard quail eggs, weighing 12-16 grams per egg. It is not uncommon for me to get super large eggs with double yolks. They lay an average of one per day and start out at 200+ their first year.
Celadon quail are a special variety of quail that carry a rare, recessive gene that causes their eggs to be a gorgeous celadon blue color. They are a dual-purpose breed, weighing between 10oz. and 15oz. when mature. They are excellent egg layers, laying 200-300 eggs per year.
Celadon quail usually lay 10-20% of the typical brown quail eggs. However, these Celadon quail are bred specifically to only lay blue eggs. They come in lots of colors: Chicks that hatch may be Scarlett, Scarlett Tuxedo, Tibetan, Tibetan Tuxedo, English or recessive white, Italian, Autumn Amber or many variations of the Schofield Silver Collection.
I have a variety of colors of mature Celadon hens and roos available. They are mixed together, so I cannot guarantee sexes.
Laying Celadon coturnix quail hens regular price $50 each
Mature Celadon roos regular price $30 each
Quail eggs are considered a delicacy in many parts of the world. They contain large amounts of Vitamin C and Vitamin A, which can help neutralize free radicals and protect your health. They are rich in protein and iron, can treat allergies, balance cholesterol, increase energy, improve vision, boost immunity and metabolism. That is alot packed into a tiny little egg! They're also unable to carry Salmonella, so they can safely be eaten raw.
Quality quail eggs from our quaint quail, are just $5 per dozen
Hatching Celadon coturnix quail eggs are $25 per dozen. They will be from our Blue egg laying Celadon hens only.
Hatching eggs are freshly laid within the last week, kept at ideal temperature and have been turned daily. Message me with quantity and type you'd like.
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